What do you charge for your services?
Our complete package of corporate secretarial, bookkeeping and filing services ranges from $2,000/month to $5,000/month depending on your company's level of activity. Please contact us for a quote.
Do we have to sign up for a complete package?
No, if you are currently satisfied with some of your existing services and are only interested in a portion of our services, we do offer a la cart pricing. Please contact us to find out more.
What are your qualifications?
Our partners are experienced officers and directors of both private and public companies. We have an experienced paralegal who has worked in the industry for over 20 years, including time at respected law firms. We have experienced CGA and CMA staff that have worked for large auditing companies.
We have a CFO, why do we need your services?
Our services are not a replacement for your CFO. Many professional CFO's use accountants and bookkeepers to attend to day to day transactions and prepare financial statements of the company, which allows them to focus their energies on other tasks. By packing your services with us, your company can save on costs including duplication of services.
We have a corporate secretary, why do we need your services?
Many corporate secretaries rely on the company's corporate counsel for assistance with the company's regulatory obligations which can become costly.
We aren’t public yet, why do we need your services?
Our services are geared to private and public companies alike. If your company has aspirations of going public, you need to make sure you are structuring yourself appropriately. We can help you with this. We can also fulfil most of private company needs.
How else can you save us money?
Through our partners, we are able to offer reduced rates on news release dissemination, website construction and maintenance, business plan preparation, valuation reports, and many other services.
We want to cut our costs as much as possible to conserve cash, how can you help?
Included in our complete package we can provide you with a phone number, fax line, downtown office address, etc.